Monday, May 28, 2007
Shinylocks just skippin' through...
Keying in my homework for the HELL HOLS xp
1) English: Oral:- Take a text, read it, say it aloud and record.
- Reflection
- Print text and title+author
Words:-500 words to be found of its meanings and classify in different genres
To be done by 6th July 2007
2) Math: 3 WS
To be done by 30th May 2007
3) Chemistry: TYS Topic 1.1, 2, 3, 4
To be done by 2nd July 2007
4) Physics Test: All that you've learnt
To be learnt by 2nd July 2007
5) POA: Entreperneurship (did I spell that correctly?)
To be done by 2nd July 2007
6) Mother Tongue: -Traditional Wedding Ceremony
*Hui Ru
*Koon Zhee
*Kang Hui
To be done by 2nd July 2007
7) Social Studies: Iternational conficts
To be done by the end of 1st week of schoool reopen
Basically, I dunnoe if there is any other homework or if the due dates are correct but I'm just postin just in case I forget...T.T